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        Development status of manufacturing automation

        The current cost pressure faced by China's manufacturing industry has also accelerated the development of China's industrial manufacturing automation
        The influence of manufacturing automation on production
        In the past, for example, to produce a car, we first had to design a production line - whether it was to produce one or 400000 vehicles, the investment was very large, and the development cycle was also very long. If the prediction of customer preferences is not accurate, it is a big problem, because the design of the production line can only produce this kind of car. Today, all leading automobile manufacturers have flexible production lines that have the ability to produce two, three, or even four models on the same line. It is some complex automation technology that makes automobile production lines flexible. These production lines are characterized by fewer rigid molds, so they can flexibly cope with various unexpected market changes and complex and changeable consumer demands.
        So the factory of the future will be more intelligent, visual, and the way people interact with machines, just like children interact with video games. The technological evolution of consumer goods will also be reflected in the future factory buildings. This can't happen in a short time. When children become the main labor force in the future, they will bring a completely different experience from this generation in the factory.
        Significance of implementing manufacturing automation
        In today's world, information is so developed that consumers' preferences and requirements are changing rapidly. The era when a product can reach all customers is over. For a country's manufacturing enterprises, whether it is facing the pressure of global competition. Whether you want to sell products to all regions of the world. If we want to remain competitive in this environment, we must continue to increase productivity while producing higher quality products that meet international standards.
        For enterprises and countries that have achieved high degree of automation in manufacturing industry, their next step to improve productivity is to realize informatization. Intuitively speaking, the management of different departments can easily and timely get the production information he needs from anywhere, and help him make business decisions quickly. This is an important step to connect and optimize the production supply chain customer network. Through the integration of automation and information, manufacturing enterprises can connect suppliers and supply chain closely, thus shortening the time to market of new products and accelerating the response to changes in consumer preferences.
        The development status of manufacturing automation in China
        Now China's manufacturing industry may be the world's fastest-growing automation, here you can see the most advanced automation equipment. However, the degree of automation of China's manufacturing industry is still not as good as that of developed countries in terms of quantity and coverage.
        The manufacturing industry has developed in a labor-intensive mode. Two extremes can be seen in China. On the one hand, manual, labor-intensive, very old-fashioned manufacturing continues; on the other hand, you can see the most advanced steel and automobile factories. In contrast, manufacturing industry in developed countries has a longer development time in industrial automation, so automation covers a wider range of fields.
        Manufacturing automation industry with rapid development
        The first is the manufacturing field of life sciences, which has strong regulatory requirements and needs to provide regulators with a lot of information and meet many regulations. This requires every link in the production process to have a perfect information record. Therefore, manufacturers not only need automation, but also can describe and prove each production link in detail, and realize the integration of automation and informatization.
        The second is the automotive industry, where you can produce according to customer demand rather than through inventory, you will be very competitive.
        The third is the consumer goods industry, such as the food industry. The characteristic of this industry is that a considerable number of consumers do not have a clear consumption direction. Automation can also help businesses ensure the quality of food, which is about brand image. They need to have a very stable production process to ensure that the quality of the product is consistent and that the product is safe in the process of packaging, bottling or filling.
        Feasibility of non standard automation development
        For the enterprises that exploit profits from OEM production, the shorter the information chain from market demand to production, the better the cash flow of enterprises. The closer apple and Foxconn are connected, the faster they can make business decisions and respond quickly to rapidly changing market demands. In addition, if the cost of manual production has become higher, it must at least carry out automatic transformation of some production links.

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